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NHS Dental Care

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Woodcroft Dental & Implant Clinic


Alongside our cosmetic procedures, such as veneers and teeth whitening, we also offer standard NHS dental care to our patients, covering every age and stage, even including treatments for the very young.

NHS dental care provides subsidised dental treatments, which are split into costed bands. They cover anything considered to be clinically necessary to promote good oral health. These include many routine and restorative treatments, from a scale and polish to a crown or filling.

*Please note we are currently only accepting NHS patients under referral from another dentist* 

Woodcroft Dental & Implant Clinic


Below is a breakdown of the NHS treatment bands, highlighting some of the procedures covered in each:

  • Band 1: examination, diagnosis (including X-rays), scale & polish, preventative care and advice & information.
  • Band 2: any band 1 treatments, as well as fillings, root canals and extractions
  • Band 3: any band 1 & 2 treatments, as well as crowns, dentures, bridges and lab work.

There is more detailed information about the bands and treatments covered, as well as band pricing, on the NHS website.

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NHS Dental Care FAQ’S

  • Which is better – NHS or private care?

    NHS treatment is recommended for families and those caring for the health of their mouth, teeth and gums, while private care is ideal for patients looking to cosmetically enhance their smile. Many of our patients have a mix of both private and NHS care, for the best of both worlds.

  • What are the benefits to NHS treatment?

    Clinically necessary treatments should be covered, and you won't be charged for individual items within a course of treatments (even if you need more than one visit). You can also enjoy NHS treatment alongside private care, which can be more cost-effective.

  • How much does treatment cost?

    For those under 18 and in full-time education, dentistry is free on the NHS. For others, pricing can be found on the NHS website

  • Can I sign up?

    We are currently only able to accept new NHS cases under referral from another Dentist. More information can be found on the NHS Choices website.

  • What treatments do you offer?

    At our dental practice in Midhurst, West Sussex, we offer everything listed in the treatment bands above. An appointment can vary from a routine check-up with a professional clean, to fitting a new crown or performing a root canal treatment.

  • Is treatment painful?

    It depends on what’s necessary, however we aim to keep any discomfort to a minimum through local anaesthetics where needed and minimally-invasive methods. We also pride ourselves on our detailed aftercare.

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Woodcroft Dental & Implant Clinic
Woodcroft Dental & Implant Clinic

Your patient journey

Woodcroft Dental & Implant Clinic

Your consultation

Complex treatments may require a consultation or a future appointment with us, while others can be carried out in a routine appointment.

Woodcroft Dental & Implant Clinic

Your treatment

Whatever care you need, we’ll prioritise the health of your mouth, teeth and gums, giving general oral care advice, cleaning away plaque and carrying out other necessary treatments.

Woodcroft Dental & Implant Clinic


If a treatment is carried out, we’ll discuss aftercare involved and schedule any follow-ups, as required.

Woodcroft Dental & Implant Clinic

‘’I’m so glad I chose Woodcroft for my dentist’s. They really take the time to talk you through things and help you feel relaxed during treatment.’’

- Adele, West Sussex

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